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Terms of Reference


Approved by the Ontario Regional Addictions Partnership Committee on March 9, 2017.

Table of Contents


Operating Principles and Procedures
Term, Qualifications and Responsibilities of the Committee Members
Role/Responsibilities of the Committee Facilitator
Subcommittee/Task Groups
Appointment of External Committees/Boards
ORAPC Annual Review Process

Appendix I – Notice: Vacant Seat on the Ontario Regional Addictions Partnership Committee

Appendix II - ORAPC Annual Review Process

1.    Background


An Ontario working group participated in the 1998 General Review of the National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP).  The need to enhance program coordination and develop a well-defined strategy for dealing with issues related to addictions was identified.  In keeping with the review findings and recommendations, Partnership Committees between First Nations and Health Canada were developed to bring together expertise and knowledge of addiction services.  These partnerships participated in regional needs assessments that resulted in the outcomes of the 2011 NNADAP Renewal Framework that reflects integrated NNADAP Worker feedback.  Ontario regional efforts through the Ontario Regional Addictions Partnership Committee (ORAPC) will continue to be consistent with and support the direction of the 2011 NNADAP Renewal Framework and will help guide our future initiatives and strategies in dealing with emerging issues.

2.    Mandate


The Ontario Regional Addictions Partnership Committee (ORAPC) will facilitate communication and provide advice/guidance/recommendations to the Chiefs of Ontario office, Health Canada First Nations & Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB), NNADAP Community-based and Treatment Centre workers and PTO’s on issues of addictions and wholistic approaches to healing through ongoing processes of review, evaluation, and monitoring.  The ORAPC will provide input on regional and national initiatives in the area of addiction programs and services as the implementation of the NNADAP Renewal Framework moves forward.

vdfdfsdfsdf3.    Structure


The ORAPC is comprised of qualified individuals (see Section 6. Term, Qualifications and Responsibilities) from the four provincial and territorial organizations (PTO’s), Independent First Nations, the NNADAP-funded Treatment Centres, FNIHB and the First Nation responsible as the Transfer Payment Agency (TPA).


There shall be two representatives from the following:

•    Nishnawbe Aski Nation
•    Independent First Nations
•    Treatment Centres
•    Union of Ontario Indians


and, there shall be one representative from the following:

•    Association of Iroquois & Allied Indians
•    Grand Council Treaty 3
•    Ex-officio member from Transfer Payment Agency
•    Six Nations of the Grand River
•    Ex-officio member from FNIHB



Member Selection Procedures


•    The representatives from the political organizations shall be solicited from each respective PTO
•    The Treatment Centres representatives shall be selected by the Treatment Centre Directors.
•    When a vacancy occurs, a notice will be distributed to the respective PTO or Treatment Centre Directors with a request to solicit a member to the vacant position.  A written response will be requested within a specified time-frame.  

See Appendix I – Notice of Vacant Seat on the Ontario Regional Addictions Partnership Committee.

4.    Accountability



The Ontario Regional Addictions Partnership Committee reports to the Chiefs of Ontario office through the Health Coordination Unit.  The ORAPC shall also provide information to the NNADAP workers and PTO’s.  The Transfer Payment Agency shall submit all reports and work plans to ORAPC and FNIHB as identified in the Contribution Agreement.

5.    Operating Principles and Procedures:



•    There are 11 voting members, when all seats are filled, 7 members shall constitute a quorum for conducting

      meetings.  Where there are vacancies for longer than 90 days, 50%+1 of the filled seats shall constitute a

•    Agreement shall be reached through consensus.  Should consensus not be reached then a majority rule of 50%+1

      shall apply.
•    The Committee shall meet in-person no less than two times per year and participate in teleconferences as

•    The member and PTO will be contacted to ascertain the member’s commitment to the Committee following 2

      missed meetings.  Members who are absent for 3 consecutive meetings (including teleconferences) are

      considered to have relinquished their seat on the committee.  Consideration will be given for extenuating

•    Committee members who are named in a motion may not move or second the motion but may vote on the

•    Email Motions will be permitted in extenuating circumstances where quorum for a teleconference cannot be

      achieved.  Procedure:  Members must “Reply All” to the email for their vote to be recorded.  The email thread will

      be added as an agenda item at the following ORAPC meeting.  It will be called a “Recorded Motion” as a

      follow-up to a particular subject at a specific meeting.
•    The Transfer Payment Agency that acts as the flow-through agency for the ORAPC contribution agreement will be

      selected by the ORAPC.
•    The Transfer Payment Agency will be responsible for secretarial services including minutes and will make

      necessary meeting arrangements.  The meeting minutes will be recorded in the most efficient means available,

      approved of at the following meeting and forwarded to committee members within two weeks of approval.
•    Committee members shall submit expense claims pertaining to meeting costs including the appropriate receipts

      within two weeks for reimbursement by the transfer payment agency.
•    Review the Terms of Reference for the Committee annually

6.    Term, Qualifications and Responsibilities of the Committee Members



Each member shall serve a three (3) year term.  Terms may be renewed with written support of the PTO or Treatment Centre Directors.


Committee Member Qualifications

•  Must be familiar with the NNADAP Renewal Framework process and documents
•  Must be familiar with NNADAP Community-based and Treatment Centre services

•  Must be a Certified Addictions Counsellor (or in process) with the exception of the Host Agency

•  Must have at least 2 years of experience working in NNADAP funded programs


Committee Member Responsibilities

•  Represent NNADAP in their catchment area
•  Actively participate in ORAPC meetings, discussions and decision-making processes and may at times facilitate

•  Confirm attendance at all meetings
•  Carry out the mandate and approved work plan of the ORAPC
•  Review draft minutes
•  Forward approved minutes to NNADAP Workers in their catchment area
•  Distribute relevant information and consult with NNADAP workers and/or treatment centres
•  Assist in developing a 3-year strategic plan
•  Assist in developing an annual work plan
•  Provide updates through the ORAPC Member Reporting Template
•  Perform other related duties as required
•  Act as spokesperson for the Committee as assigned/required/needed and provide regular reports to the ORAPC.
•  Stay current with ORAPC business


7.    Role/Responsibilities of the Committee Facilitator


The Committee Facilitator is appointed by the ORAPC.  The roles and responsibilities of the facilitator are:
•  To preside over all meeting of the Ontario Regional Addictions Partnership Committee
•  To facilitate discussion during meetings 
•  Ensure that all reports of the committee are provided to the Health Coordination Unit
•  Develop meeting agenda and ensure minutes are recorded and distributed in a timely manner
•  Invite resource persons as necessary
•  Ensure that a quorum is reached for all scheduled meetings
•  Maintain regular contact with committee members


8.    Subcommittee/Task Groups

•  The ORAPC may establish sub-committees or task group to complete specific tasks when full group participation is

    not warranted or possible.
•  Task groups/subcommittees will be solicited by the ORAPC and their recommendations will be presented to

    ORAPC for discussion.
•  The task group/subcommittee shall provide regular updates to ORAPC as necessary.
•  Anticipated expenses of sub-committees/task groups must obtain prior approval from ORAPC.


9.    Appointment of External Committees/Boards

•  ORAPC shall appoint a committee member to an external committee/board to represent ORAPC when required.
•  Committee members will be appointed by a formal motion based on availability, interest and knowledge.
•  Ongoing expenses must be identified in the motion and will be covered based on availability of funds in the

    ORAPC budget.
•  Unexpected expenses will be determined on a case by case basis.
•  The appointee shall provide regular updates to ORAPC.


10.    ORAPC Annual Review Process


Reviews will be based on outcomes of the identified activities from the ORAPC Work Plan in accordance with the ORAPC Annual Review Process attached as Appendix II.  Review to take place at the end of each fiscal year.  The findings of the Review Process will be compiled by the Committee Facilitator.



Notice: Vacant Seat on the Ontario Regional Addictions Partnership Committee



ORAPC Annual Review Process








Operating Principles & Procedures

Term, Qualifications & Responsibilites of Committee Members

Roles & Responsibilities of the Committee Facilitator

Subcommittee/Task Groups

Appointment of External Committee/Boards

Annual Review Process

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Table of Contents

Appendix 2
Appendix 1
Annual Review Process
Appointment of ExternalCommittee/Boards
Subcommittee/Task Groups
Roles of Committee Facilitator
Terms & Qualifications of Committee Members
Operating Principles
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